Past Presidents
Moritz #284281986 - 1987
Florissant Valley
Executive Officers: Jerry Jackson #27420 VP, Bob Holbert #27166 Treasurer, Tom Hendrix #37317 Secretary.
- U.S. JCI Senate Region VI Vice President 1988-1989
- U.S. JCI Senate Presidential Assistant 1989-1990
- U.S. JCI Senate Ambassador to Australia 1990-1992
This was an active year for the Missouri Senate. The usual meetings, socials, programs, and get-togethers were held and were well attended. Once again, we managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with Nebraska in football and Illinois in basketball.
I believe it was a growth year for the Senate. It was also the year that my wife Pat made a gift of the giant banners for both the Senate and the Muleskinner Corps.
It was a fun year for me as President. The most memorable event is still probably the most controversial. On Saturday, May 16, 1987, at the State Convention in Springfield, I fulfilled a dream. I was privileged to present Senatorship #42170 to the First Lady of the Jaycees, Charlotte Mungenast. While we followed the procedures and received a Senate number from JCI, there is still a question as to whether it was accepted by National and International at the time. I know, and the Missouri Senate knows the facts of the case. It will always be my proudest JCI Senate moment.
I would like to thank all Missouri Senators for allowing me to serve as your President in 1986-1987.