Past Presidents
Moore #266041983 - 1984
St. Peters
Executive Officers: Bob Carothers #21486 VP, David Page #29226 Treasurer, Mike Moritz #28420 Secretary.
- U.S. JCI Senate Products Chairman 1984-1986
U.S. JCI Senate National Convention Chairman, St. Charles 2006
One of our goals was to increase the membership from the 63 we started the year with to over 100. At the Summer Meeting we corralled 11 new members. Having a Hospitality Room at the Jaycee events was a mighty good way to sign new members. We judged Jaycee competitions throughout the year, spent a fun work weekend at Wonderland Camp in September, hosted the Illinois Senate at the MO/IL football game, and the Nebraska Senate at the MO/NE football game, as well as having the Sixth Annual Tan-Tar-A retreat.
Missouri had a good year with a lot of effort from a lot of Senators. We turned our organization around. It took a lot of work from people in key areas. I would like to thank National President Jim Luff #24706, Doc McCarty #14783, Leon Straub #18162, and Bill Vishy #23120 on the National level; within the state thanks goes to my Executive Board for their hard work and backing they gave me for the year. With all this support we were able to finish the year with 160 members.
I would like to thank the Missouri Senate for the fine time I had as President. I cherish the new friends I made that year as well as since then. One good thing about the Senate is that you don’t age out.