Missouri JCI Senate
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Photo Gallery: Region 6 Meeting in Prairie du Chien, WI, 10/13-15, 2006

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A group of Senators at the Prairie du Chien Jaycees Haunted House prior to the Scavenger Hunt

Pirate Presidents – Dr. Dan Rabbitt, SD, President Dave, Michelle Mosher, ND, Rick Spearow, NE

VP Marilyn with Donna talking M&Ms

President Dave with a big weenie

“How did she do that?”

President Calvin thinks the Presidents should all wear their goody bags

Hospitality Area

A toast to Region 6

Cap’n Dave with his Booty Bag

President Calvin

Cap’n Earl

President Calvin addressing the Region Crew

Cap’n Dave presents Cap’n Red Dog Green with an Indy M&M Racecar

Cap’n Red Dog Green with some of her loot, That’s Lea Ann Ford looking on

Dr. Dan Rabbitt from SD with his gifts

President Michele Mosher with her gifts

Accepting RTF awards from Region Chairman Phyllis Bowers, Cap’n Marilyn and President Calvin

First Lady Donna making her report

Debbie Rothweiler making her report

Tom Hendrix making his report

Mary Sawyer with more loot

President Calvin sends Marilyn to the “Good Ship Lollipop”

Cap’n Red Dog Green takes over the “Good Ship Lollipop”

Lewis Ash makes his report on Governmental Affairs

Ed & Boni accept a gift from Wisconsin President Brian Trautman

First Quarter Outstanding President Dave with VP Cap’n Red Dog Green

First Quarter Outstanding Presidents Cap'n Dr. Dan Rabbitt, SD and Cap'n Dave, MO

Cap'n Marilyn presents Calvin & Diane with a Booty Bag

The Crew of Region 6

Cap’n Red Dog Green with her Attitude Adjuster

Cap’n Calvin Baerveldt and Cap’n Pat Hoelker

Cap’n Dave and First Mate Donna

Pirates just don’t look this happy

Cap’n Debbie Rothweiler

When Pirates attack

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This page last updated: 11/06/06