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Past Presidents

Jerry JacksonJerry Jackson #27029

1987 - 1988





Executive Officers:  Bob Holbert #27166 VP, Tom Hendrix #37317 Treasurer, Jim Hall #37205 Secretary.



The Missouri Senate had a great turnout in Reno, NV for the National Convention and had a great time. Our first social event of the year was the Annual Picnic at Truman Lake. We were visited by Region 6 VP Ken Stark #30346 of Minnesota. Buck Wilkins #27543 was in charge of the event again and did a great job.

We held our Summer Meeting in Columbia, Region 6 Fall Meeting in Sioux Falls, SD, the Fall Minivention in Kansas City, Mock Legislature in Jefferson City, the Fall Retreat at Tan-Tar-A, and the MO/IL basketball game in St. Louis. I learned not to gamble with President Wally Suchanek #23397 of Illinois.

The next meeting was the February election meeting at Tan-Tar-A, then on to the Region 6 Spring Meeting in Minnesota.

The year ended with the State Convention in Kansas City. We then went to Richmond, VA to elect our own Mike Moritz as Region 6 VP.

I would like to thank the Missouri Senate for giving me the opportunity to serve as President, as my year was one of the greatest year’s of my life spent with the greatest young (and old) group of people.


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