The Missouri Senate held its first annual picnic at Mark Twain Lake. Hospitality was open all weekend and a good time was had by all. Two Senators from Illinois, COB Ed Townsend #19490 and former President Spike Bryant #19653 were present as were three Senators from Iowa, President Denny Henderson, Treasurer Newton Standridge #29407, and Gary Sievers #26471. The food and all preparations were by the Perry Jaycees under the direction of Senators Woody Woodrow #32180 and Monty Dunlap #36278.
We held our Summer Meeting in Jefferson City. In addition to adopting a new Constitution and By-Laws we voted to adopt the staff cabin at Wonderland Camp. This committed us to a major renovation of the cabin for the year.
The Missouri Senate’s first trip was to Urbana, IL for the MO/IL football game (which we lost). Thanks to President Ted Lang #26718. Then it was on to the U.S. JCI Senate Executive Meeting in Plymouth, MI along with Region 6 VP Earl Sawyer #28243 and Mary #43930. Many thanks to National President Doug Hincker #22000, and MI President Bob Taylor #23796.
Next stop was the annual retreat at Tan-Tar-A. We had a great trivia game with the men vs. the women (the women won of course). The Region 6 Meeting in Des Moines was our next visit. President Denny Henderson and the IA Senate did a great job.
The Missouri Senate held its next meeting in Jefferson City in conjunction with the Missouri Jaycees Mock Legislature. We held our elections at the Winter Meeting with U.S. JCI Senate President Doug and Region 6 VP Earl in attendance. There were 75 Senators in attendance.
Missouri then had 20 people attend the Tennessee Senate Meeting in Gatlinburg including Charlotte Mungenast.
I wish to thank everyone for all of your help and for those who traveled with me during my Senate career. I also want to thank everyone for their support for my election as Region 6 VP for 1985-1986.